Dostępne szablony paneli aukcyjnych.Auction panels templates on AuPanel.comДоступны  шаблоны панелей

Table of contents:

Auction panels templates

After entering the editor, you can change your panel appearance. You can select a template from the various possibilities and improve them by changing panel color, add shadow or animated effects.

Template 9 - modern with animated "See more" star

Template 8 - classic with shadow and animated rectangular frame

Template 7 - light with animated arrow and rectangular buttons: Page "about me" and All auctions

ebay cross-selling tool

Template 6 - larger image with shadow and animated "Promotion" star

Template 5 - with colorful strip with shadow and frame

Template 4 - larger price font with animated darken

Template 3 - larger title font with shadow and animated rounded frame

Template 2 - price at the image with shadow and rounded buttons: Page "about me" and All auctions

Template 1 - standard with shadow and frame

cross selling tool for ebay

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Version: classic | mobile
Dostępne szablony paneli aukcyjnych.Auction panels templates on AuPanel.comДоступны  шаблоны панелей

What is automatic auction panel used for?

Automatic auction panels are used to increase sales at auctions thanks to mutual promotion of auctions by other auctions. Our service provides special HTML code, which after placement in auction displays gallery of miniatures of your other auctions, encouraging potential customers to see your other offers. It all works automatically, so you place the code only once, and our system automatically updates data about your offer and it changes displayed items every more than ten minutes. Sequence of display may be random or planned: time left, number of bids, price, keywords, etc.