Intelligent mode automatically selects the matching content by category on which will be the customer.
By using an intelligent mode, there is no need to create another panel to the needs of distinct categories - a panel selects himself auctions according to your settings.
In the settings of intelligent matching the seller has the ability to indicate whether the panel will include auctions of current category or category 1, 2, 3 levels higher than the category in which the object is currently viewed by a customer or auctions of sub-main.
The main panel visible on presents a full offer of the seller:
Indicating to an intelligent display mode:
Auctions of current category - that is, the category in which the item is currently viewed by the customer, the panel located on the listing in the category Clothes, Shoes, Accessories - Women's Clothing - Dresses will present the viewer only auctions of which subject of a sale are dresses:
pointing to the panel to display items of category 1 level higher, the panel will download Auctions: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories - Womens Clothing:
Similarly, the panel will present the auctions by category of 3 levels higher, and main subcategories which in the present case is the subcategory "Clothes, Shoes, Accessories".
Automatic auction panels are used to increase sales at auctions thanks to mutual promotion of auctions by other auctions. Our service provides special HTML code, which after placement in auction displays gallery of miniatures of your other auctions, encouraging potential customers to see your other offers. It all works automatically, so you place the code only once, and our system automatically updates data about your offer and it changes displayed items every more than ten minutes. Sequence of display may be random or planned: time left, number of bids, price, keywords, etc.
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